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Yopaz IceStar for the Playstation 1

Yopaz IceStar is a puzzle game featuring 40 levels in 3 worlds, local highscore and a built in Level Editor !
You play as Yopaz and the vacuum of space forces you to slide indefinitely when you run in one direction. Only an ice wall will stop you in your tracks!
With this unusual constraint, you will need to collect all the stars on each level.
You will be able to change your color and collect stars of the corresponding color!
Your color will also allow you to go through teleporters, direction changers, or even protect you from enemies!

A mini game including the first 25 levels of Yopaz is included and you can upload it to your PocketStation.

This game for the Playstation 1 requires a method to boot a CD-R such as: a modchip, a boot cd like ps-X-change, an action replay with Unirom or a FreePsxBoot memory card.

Pre-order the game in limited physical edition, the game will ship once 20 pre-order are reached.

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